Professional Individuals or firms or company work through an agreement as the Franchisee of “Stralead ( India ) private Limited” ( herein after called “Stralead” ), a private Limited company registered in India .
Each “Stralead” Franchisee professional individual or firm or company provides services in particular geographic areas and is subject to the laws and professional regulations of the particular country or countries in which it operates.
Each “Stralead” Franchisee Professional individual or firm or company is structured in accordance with national laws, regulations, customary practice, and other factors, and may secure the provision of professional services in its territory through sub-Franchisee, Networking Partners, affiliates, and other related entities.
Not every “Stralead” Franchisee professional individual or firm or company provides all services as rendered by the parent company, and certain services may not be available.
“Stralead” and each “Stralead” Franchisee professional individual or firm or company are legally separate and independent entities, which cannot obligate each other. “Stralead” and each “Stralead” Franchisee professional individual or firm or company are liable only for their own acts and omissions, and not those of each other.
“Stralead” ( also referred to as “Stralead (India) private Limited ”) provides services to client either directly or through its Country Advisors ( Franchisee), Specialist Advisors , Networking partners, Associates along with its management team .